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Exciting things happening—see newsletter

From a major resistance against nuclear weapons in April to DC/NYC visits past, versus nukes, you can “read all about it” in our first 2024 newsletter. Other stories call for “Ceasefire now!” in Gaza, for joining All Allied Activist Artists, and for attending the PeaceWorks Annual Meeting. It’s 2-4pm Sunday, March 3, in Simpson House, 4509 Walnut, KC MO. See you there!

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The first 2024 PeaceWorks newsletter covers a major nuclear weapon resistance 4/12-15, the PeaceWorks Annual Meeting 3/3, and local actions for peace in Gaza.
The newsletter announces the trial of Ann Suellentrop Oct. 25 for resisting nukes and covers the art fair and other topics.
The June newsletter makes a splash with pictures/stories from our nuke protest on Memorial Day and with info on other events. Enjoy!
Check out the pictures from our 3/5 Annual Meeting! Our stories swing from that high-energy gathering to our leaders’ reflections, and to future events.
We call for action: Come to our Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance Aug. 7. Attend the jury trial of a nuclear weapon resister Sept. 6. Volunteer at our PeaceWorks KC Local Art Fair Sept. 24-25. And join us Oct. 1 to protest drone warfare at Whiteman AFB.
Bryan Scarcella, a leader in Stand Up KC, is seeking a $15 an hour minimum wage and a union for low-paid workers. "My low pay," he said March 11 at the PeaceWorks Annual Meeting, "means not having access to health care. It means I haven't turned on the heat in my apartment for years." Both Stand Up KC and PeaceWorks are part of the Poor People's Campaign.
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UNplaza Art Fair: Sept. 23-24 // Two documentaries go nuclear, close to home // Hiroshima/Nagasaki commemoration marks 72nd anniversary of bombings // A night of beauty, remembering, yearning for peace // UN treaty advocates nuclear weapons prohibition // Toxic, radioactive waste sites: in KC, St. Louis, Idaho // Sandy Hook mom to speak 10/9 at forum // Remembering Muted Voices
Take heart! // Become Ambassadors for PeaceWorks KC // Media swarm to rally on Manning's release // Henry Stoever: 'We are instruments of truth.' // Ann Suellentrop: 'Trump calls for billions more for nukes.' // Wife says toxins at old plant caused husband's death // Depleted uranium found at Bannister complex // Is It a Good Job? // Planting Seeds of Peace // Avila will not hold science fair in 2018 with Honeywell
Planting Seeds of Peace. // Sightings of a new ‘National Bird’. // Share at table and plot the politics of peace. // Dave Pack reflects on military costs, offers MLK for hope. // Constructive conversation. // Stand Up KC caps work against Puzder with victory rally. // Poems from prison.
Man hanging origame peace cranes.