Newsletter calls all to court support

The PeaceWorks Kansas City October newsletter announces the trial of Ann Suellentrop on Wednesday, Oct. 25. Ann was one of three persons who did civil resistance to nuclear weapons this Memorial Day, stepping across the property line at the Kansas City National Security Campus, where 80% of the parts for US nuclear weapons are made or procured. Ann will plead not guilty to any criminal action, saying that, as a retired maternal-child nurse, she protested the threat these weapons pose to our planet, especially women and babies. Come support Ann at 11th and Locust, Municipal Court, for the noon rally outside; we will enter the courthouse about 1 PM for the trial.

This newsletter also covers both the annual art fair and Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance, as well as street theater by MoPeace, the Chapter of the Year Award for KC Vets for Peace, and the Oct. 25 Dialogue and Friendship Dinner sponsored by the Dialogue Institute and Raindrop Foundation.

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