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Do ‘court support’ at 1/26 and 2/18 trials of nuke protesters

Five peace activists crossed the property line at the KC MO nuclear weapons plant on Memorial Day, May 31, 2021. They took that step for a nuke-free world, for peace for our planet. Now come the trials.

Not just one trial. The five wanted a trial together. But “The City Prosecutor asked to bifurcate our trials, to separate my trial as a 40-year attorney, from the trial of the other four persons,” says Henry Stoever. He is no longer an active attorney in Missouri or Kansas, but the city prosecutor warned two judges, in hearings this fall, against having Stoever on the docket along with Brian Terrell, of Maloy, Iowa, and three PeaceWorks-KC members, Jim Hannah, Tom Mountenay, and Christian Brother Louis Rodemann.

Each of the five is charged with trespass.

Stoever’s trial will be on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 1:30 PM, in Court G, Kansas City Municipal Court, 511 East 11th Street. Supporters will gather for a pre-trial rally at 11th and Locust, at Ilus Davis Park at 12:30 PM—come for court support!

The trial of the other four culprits will be on Friday, Feb. 18, at 1:30 PM, in Court A, Kansas City Municipal Court, with the pre-trial rally at 12:30 PM at Ilus Davis Park.

In the past 10 years, says Stoever, more than 150 line-crossings have occurred at the Kansas City National Security Campus, which makes non-fissile parts for nuclear weapons, including triggering systems, guidance systems, and most of the interior and exterior parts for a nuclear weapon. At one point, the federal website stated that 85 percent of the non-nuclear parts of a nuclear weapon were made by the Kansas City Plant, the predecessor of the National Security Campus. (Note: We count the line-crossers per person and per incident, whether by themselves or with others, whether repeaters or first-timers, and hope to put nukes on trial.)

For more information, contact Stoever at (913) 375-0045 (cell) or


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Man hanging origame peace cranes.