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Video of flags, pics with hope, plus livestream

Treat yourself to the sights and sounds of our Memorial Day marchers carrying flags May 30 for 60 of the 61 countries that by now have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Leading our parade of flags is Kimmy Igla, a volunteer at Cherith Brook Catholic Worker House; ending it is Tom Mountenay. Bennette Dibben took the video and, by the way, ordered the flags, taped on each flag the country’s name, and assembled the flags from first ratifier to last ratifier. Thanks, Bennette!

Then dip into the slide show of photos by Bennette, with a focus on our youngest activist, Elijah Rozga Irwin, snippets from our one-mile walk to the entry to the National Security Campus (where parts are made for nuclear weapons), and some mighty line-crossers.

And relish the joy and energy Kriss Avery captured in her slide show! It rolls from our walk to our rally to our line-crossing. Thanks, Kriss!

Also, we are indebted to Andrei Stoica and his colleague from the Independent Media Association for live-streaming our event. Check it out at

With our Memorial Day event called Prohibit Nukes, Promote HOPE, we hope you take courage from these images!

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Man hanging origame peace cranes.