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Video covers PeaceWorks-KC’s Memorial Day peace witness

Louis Rodemann (2)

Video covers PeaceWorks-KC’s Memorial Day peace witness

Combining photos and video, Tom Fox rolled onto YouTube an 8-minute glimpse of PeaceWorks-KC’s 10th annual Memorial Day peace witness. Fox, the former editor and publisher of the National Catholic Reporter and a longtime member of PeaceWorks, played photographer during the May 31 rally. Skimming from the one-mile walk to the rally to the die-in to the line-crossing and arrests, the video at appeared on YouTube on June 2.

“We protest because we cannot not protest,” the video notes, quoting Catholic peace leader Jesuit Father Dan Berrigan. Among the persons profiled in the video is line-crosser Christian Brother Louis Rodemann, at age 81 the eldest of the five civil resisters. The other line-crossers—Jim Hannah, Tom Mountenay, Henry Stoever, and Brian Terrell—all appear in the video.

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