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PWKC stands with Veterans for Peace to remember Armistice Day

Henry Stoever, cochair of PeaceWorks-KC, gave this reflection at the World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Mo.

Today, Nov. 11, 2021, at 11 am, we of PeaceWorks, Kansas City, stand with and support our Vets For Peace in their quest and vision of returning this day to its original intended name of ARMISTICE DAY, and calling all of us to work for peace.

An Armistice is a cessation of warfare, a preliminary truce on the way to the signing of a peace treaty.

We are at the most relevant location today, which is the national monument for the anniversary of the Armistice of World War I.

We must reclaim the original intent and purpose of Armistice Day, a cessation of warfare, in all of its forms and practices.

Let us rededicate and work together with renewed purpose to make cessation of warfare a reality.

We are weary of the endless wars by our country, the needless loss of civilian and combatant lives, the unnecessary involvement of our country in all of the recent wars, the depletion of our precious resources that rightly should have gone to the most needy of our world, the scars of war—the dead, the physical injuries, the mental injuries, and the life-times of the pain and loss of war.

The citizens of this country must demand the entire Truth, challenge all of the lies and corruption that exist, and unite to put behind us the mighty scourge of war.  We know that PEACE WORKS!!!

Copyright 2021, Henry Stoever, Jim Hannah, Veterans for Peace-KC, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License.

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We are weary of the endless wars by our country, the needless loss of civilian and combatant lives, the unnecessary involvement of our country in all of the recent wars, the depletion of our precious resources that rightly should have gone to the most needy of our world, the scars of war—the dead, the physical injuries, the mental injuries, and life-times of the pain and loss of war.
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