By Ron Faust
The walls of our cells close tighter
As we look for ways to escape our masks
To prevent the coronavirus from infecting us
We would like to travel to exotic places
But the pandemic is everywhere in our mind
And our addictions cause more confinement
We separate ourselves from people
But we are alone in our thoughts
In our comfort food and sexual desires
We are fascinated by trips to Mars
Repelled by the lies of cult personalities
Chagrined by the complexity of change
We wonder if this is the day we will die
As we become aware of the loss of others
As the cold of winter induces loss of power
We gather our family, our faith, our friends
Around birthdays and entertainment
To escape the shadows of our hardships.
2/21/21 (Ron Faust wrote this poem on the occasion of journeying through the pandemic and considering snow-affected areas like Texas experiencing loss of power and water.)