By Ron Faust
What bothers me more:
The white Christian nationalists
Or the legalists who play “gotcha” politics
In Trump you get a combo distaste
For followers who are unabashedly loyal
No matter what is counterproductive
They will be racist, superior and exceptional
Driven by a patriotic zeal for America first
Those who have a poor assessment of themselves
May like to bolster their image by untruths
Thinking themselves higher than they actually are
They will delve on the nonessentials, the trivial
And be unable to discern what is essential
We used to have a saying,
In essentials, unity
In nonessentials, liberty
In all things, charity
Somehow we are missing the third thing
Losing sight of love in all things.
12/11/23 (On occasion when our weapons are too strong to use on enemies. The hidden truth is the inability to critique our nation, and only then we will begin to be closer to the truth.) Ron Faust is a former PeaceWorks Board member. (c) 2023, Ron Faust, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License.