By Ron Faust
The 2024 Oscars have spoken Designating Best Picture As the epic “Oppenheimer” Who manipulated the atom And created the Atomic Bomb The film did not go far enough To reveal the negative impact Of radiation around the world Showing the power of the blast But minimizing signs of uranium Scientists measure evolution in eons More than 4.6 billion years old Starting with the Triassic period Dawn of dinosaurs then mammals Then the ice age of the Pleistocene Humans evolved in the Holocene Era Identified within the past 11,700 years The controversy emerges with this film Whether human activity has moved us Into the Anthropocene age since 1945 With the advent of the Nuclear Age And human impact on Climate Change The Nuclear Age is an existential threat That poses complete annihilation And shows a moral dilemma That we have the capacity to destroy With less ability to limit our hubris To build instruments of destruction Our hope is we have been lucky so far So far we rely on dreaming innocence To build a national defense out of fear But this does not make us feel safe And we know humans could end it all We like movies for entertainment value Yet such films make us uncomfortable To go forward with faith, family, friends Urging us to die or live as peacemakers. 3/12/24 (On occasion of critiquing Oppenheimer and earth history from The KC Star 3/11/24) —By Ron Faust, retired Disciples of Christ minister former PeaceWorks Board member. © 2024, Ron Faust, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License.