By Ron Faust
A familiar retort to justify war
Is to construct a hypothetical
By arguing how you would respond
To a bully who burst into your house
And demanded you give him your home
You might assess the situation
Comply, try to walk away
And call the police later
Reverse the false construct
By asking what if the person was You?
You were the invader, you were the bully
You are the one perceived as the aggressor
The problem is that we only see ourselves
As the “good guys” with innumerable rights
To do whatever we want against bullies
Many are insensitive to the dark side
Of seeing ourselves as the cause of conflict
Of reversing the ”eye” to see our complicity
The other problem is we can’t see our hypocrisy
How we come across as aggressively superior
How we lie and deny our true intentions
Even how we represent a violent culture
If we were to reverse the pride of the ego
We would have to be really honest
Rather than trying to be something otherwise
The debate changes by reversing “I” to You.
12/5/22 (On occasion of justifying a Ukrainian war
by reversal of a false hypothetical situation)