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Rally, No War with Iran, Sat., 1/25, at noon

By Mary Hladky
A war with Iran could engulf the whole MidEast region and quickly turn into a global conflict. For all who believe in peace, for all who are opposed to yet another catastrophic war, now is the time to ACT.
On Jan. 25, in cities across the globe, there will be protests against a new war in the Middle East. Code Pink has initiated the worldwide protest and PeaceWorks-KC is gladly cosponsoring, perhaps with other groups.

Here in Kansas City, our No War with Iran rally will be held:   

Sat., Jan. 25, noon–2 pm

At the Plaza by the fountain (Main & Emanuel Cleaver Blvd. or 47th St.)

Kansas City MO

Be there!

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PeaceWorks-KC and Code Pink are cosponsoring a rally No War with Iran. All are invited! It will be Sat., Jan. 25, noon-2pm, at the fountain at Main and Emanuel Cleaver Blvd.
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