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Help Harvesters

Help Harvesters

PeaceWorks-KC cares, agreed? We pitch in for peace and justice, right? So, with a bow to justice, our Action Committee opened our own donor account with the food bank Harvesters. Our donations, large or small, help Harvesters “feed hungry people today, and end hunger tomorrow.”

So how do you find the PeaceWorks account with Harvesters?

Go to and click on “Join a team.”

Under “Team name,” type Peace Works KC. Yes, leave a space between Peace and Works. Hit enter, and scroll down to the red Peace Works KC category. Click on it and proceed, with your credit card ready. Through Harvesters, even a $1 contribution helps provide 3 meals.

One bright idea: Those of us who do not need the stimulus payment through the coronavirus relief bill might send some of that to Harvesters. Bingo!

Then, come May 31, Memorial Day, while we rally for a world free of nuclear weapons, we’ll add the food-in-hand part of our Harvesters support. We’ll meet at Prospect and Mo. Hwy. 150 at 10:30 a.m. for our walk to the entry road of the National Security Campus, where parts are made or procured for nuclear weapons. Both at the beginning and the end of the 1-mile walk, we’ll have boxes or barrels for donated foods. Here are Harvesters’ suggestions.


Canned vegetables (low sodium)

Canned fruits in 100% juice

Dried fruit (no-added-sugar preferred)

Canned chicken, tuna, salmon (packed in water)

Brown rice

Whole-grain pasta

Dried beans or canned low-sodium beans

Peanut, almond, or sun butter

Canned soup (chicken, tomato or vegetable)

Cereal – hot and cold (whole-grain, low-sugar preferred)

Household products




Toilet paper

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The PeaceWorks-KC Action Committee opened a donor account with the food bank Harvesters. Our donations, large or small, help Harvesters “feed hungry people today, and end hunger tomorrow.”
Man hanging origame peace cranes.