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Join peace witness vs. drone warfare 4/30

By Chris Overfelt

With the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, it is important for peace activists around the world to join in solidarity. One way to do that is to oppose militarism in our local communities. On April 30, from 10am to 11am, PeaceWorks Kansas City will host a peace witness at Whiteman Air Force Base in Knob Noster, Mo. Whiteman AFB is home to the B-2 bombers that are capable of delivering nuclear payloads around the world. It is also part of the sprawling network of drone warfare where remote strikes are carried out in countries thousands of miles from the operator’s location.

For the past 20 years, drone warfare has been a key tactic in the war on terror. Civilian deaths, anti-American resentment, and an ever-growing list of enemies have been the results of this often hidden aspect of American foreign policy. If you would like to join PeaceWorks KC in this peace witness at Whiteman AFB on April 30, you can contact Henry Stoever at 913-375-0045. Carpooling is available from Kansas City. Peace activists around the world have recognized this moment as a crucial one in human history. We can do our part to help our society navigate this treacherous terrain, one step at a time.

—Chris Overfelt, a Vet for Peace, serves on the PeaceWorks KC Board. © 2022 Chris Overfelt, Henry Stoever, PeaceWorks Kansas City, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License.

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One way for peace activists to join in solidarity as tragic events unfold in Ukraine is to oppose militarism in our local communities. Do come to our witness for peace at Whiteman AFB April 30!
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