Responding to climate crisis

By Kristin Scheer

The climate crisis conversation offers so much bad news, such as this recent warning from the UN Secretary-General at the COP27 Global Climate Conference in Egypt: “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.” Dire warnings of this nature over the last five decades, and especially in recent years, would leave me so scared and depressed that I wanted to avoid the topic altogether, and retreat into an awkward existential numbness just to get through the anxiety.

Then I encountered June Holte’s Step-by-Step Climate Response Course. What a blessing! Through her guidance and the content of her course, I came to a new way of relating to the crisis. She helped me understand that the best place to stand in the crisis is in the power and excitement of the present moment. The truth is, we don’t know what is going to happen. Yes, the situation is dire and our survival as a species is at stake, but we have a chance to turn it around. And how exciting is that?!

Sunset in the Flint Hills of Kansas: this beauty may give us energy to protect our Earth.

Extraordinary efforts are under way. June’s course highlights the work of passionate, dynamic, brilliant people who are dedicated, driven, and working together to turn the chance we do have into a reality, for our future and that of generations to come. There are many meaningful actions that we can and should take in our own homes to contribute to that effort.

I encourage you to consider taking her course (see info below). It was hugely helpful to me in turning my despair into hope and action.

Two groups are forming for the Step-by-Step Climate Response Course.

NOTE: There will be one more meeting in December, based on participants’ availability, then the course will resume in January.


Send an email with your best days & times for meetings on zoom, so you can be notified when the next groups are forming.

—Kristin Scheer, of Kansas City, Kansas, is a peace activist and board member PeaceWorks KC.

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