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Rally 2/5 will ask Biden not to escalate Ukraine crisis into war with Russia

diplomacy not war

Come to a “No War with Russia over Ukraine” rally at 11 am this Saturday, Feb. 5, at the Plaza Fountain at 47th Street and Main in KC MO. The rally will ask the Biden Administration not to escalate the Ukraine crisis into a potential war with Russia.

PeaceWorks Kansas City and the local chapter of Veterans for Peace are asking their members to attend the rally if possible, joining a nationwide effort of American activists this Saturday.

Please e-mail President Biden using and tell him in very clear terms: DIPLOMACY, NOT WAR! You could also contact your members of Congress through the Capitol switchboard, 202-224-3121, and convey the message NO WAR WITH RUSSIA!

PeaceWorks e-mailed its members Feb. 3, explaining, “With a pandemic, 140,000,000 living in poverty, a climate crisis, and the nuclear weapons possessed by Russia and the United States, this war would be pure insanity. The United States and western Europe need to back off of NATO expansion plans that break clear promises to Russia made in the 1990s.”

©2022, Jane Stoever, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License.

Man hanging origame peace cranes.