Summary of Countering Military Recruitment In Public Schools and Confronting Contaminants Near Military Bases

Save our water from polluters!
This video presentation was of Pat Elder, a teacher and political activist who discusses current, life threatening toxins in our water systems including surface, table and tap water which has caused hundreds of cases of cancer in humans from young mothers to all of us. These toxins are introduced into our environment unchecked by greedy corporations and the military, with little to no government monitoring. We can request testing of our water systems and save our future.
Elder also discussed unrestricted recruiting access by the military to our youth in the classroom. Our youth are heavily recruited often without parental consent.
Elder wrote “Military Recruitment in the United States”. Pat Elder has a graduate degree in political science and a lifelong history of identifying and being proactive in these issues as stated.
Videography and Photography by Mark A Semet, and Jenny Semet

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