PeaceWorks Kansas City

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Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance Aug. 8

Kosuke Mori-Kreiner strikes gong held by Henry Stoever

Sunday, Aug. 8, comes between the 1945 dates of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. PeaceWorks-KC will remember those attacks Aug. 8 with a gathering to mourn the atrocities and call for a future in which we never see such tragic events. Please mark the info on your calendar.

When: Sunday, Aug. 8, 7 p.m.

Where: Prospect Ave. (park on Prospect) and Mo. Hwy. 150

What: both a walk and a rally. We’ll begin our one-mile walk at Prospect Ave. and Mo. Hwy. 150, going past the National Security Campus buildings where 80 percent of the non-nuclear parts for nuclear weapons are made or ordered. At the NSC entry at 14510 Botts Rd., KC MO, we’ll hold a rally, starting at about 7:45 p.m.

Why: We’ll grieve from the 1945 bombings and our country’s continued commitment to nuclear weapons. We’ll also celebrate the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons!

Past years’ remembrances have included shared food, touching tributes, inspired speakers, music and meditation—this evening gathering is usually one of our most moving events of the year. Please plan to join us.



Man hanging origame peace cranes.