New & returning artists to grace our art fair

Three paintings by Ricardo Nunez, the middle is of Chez Guevara
Paintings by Ricardo Nunez, middle image showing Che Guevara

September 21, 2024 

10:00 am

- September 22, 2024

- 5:00 pm

Las Monarcas by Roberto Nunez
Las Monarcas by Ricardo Nunez

New and returning artists will dazzle us with their paintings, jewelry, and other creations at our PeaceWorks KC Local Art Fair. See here a sampling of acrylic oil paintings by Ricardo Nunez, who this year marks his 12 th fair with us. Come to the PeaceWorks KC Local Art Fair Saturday, 9/21, 10am to 6pm, and Sunday, 9/22, 10am to 5pm, at Theis Park, along Oak just south of Cleaver Blvd. in Kansas City, Mo.

At the fair, artists and their wares will be interspersed with social justice activists, including Therese McKechnie, who will bring two bare peace poles. She will ask children at the fair to use her art materials to decorate one pole. Adults may use the same utensils on the pole for grown-ups. “Then the poles will be planted in a public space later,” says Therese, a social worker. “We can do a brief dedication ceremony at that (later) time.”

Therese envisions 1,000 peace poles throughout KC. She will also give instructions on how to make your own peace poles. Other social justice groups planning to table at our fair include Veterans for Peace, the Penn Valley Quaker Meeting, Cherith Brook, Health Care Workers for Palestine, and Preserve Local Elections (the campaign against Amendment 7, which would ban ranked choice voting).