Nevada Desert Experience opposes drone warfare, nukes

By Brian Terrell

“Using a campaign of prayer, education, dialogue, and nonviolent direct action, our mission is to stop modern weapons development, including the end of automated warfare and nuclear weaponeering in Southern Nevada.” (from Nevada Desert Experience’s mission statement)

Speaking out and acting to reverse the imminent threats of nuclear war and climate catastrophe has never been so urgent as now.

For 40 years, NDE has witnessed at the Nevada National Security Site. Established on land stolen from the Western Shoshone nation, the NNSS was the primary testing location of American nuclear devices from 1951 to 1992, making it the most bombed place on earth. Today it continues as the site of “subcritical” nuclear tests and other research for new nuclear bombs and for the “life extension” of old ones. The National Security Campus in Kansas City is operated under the National Nuclear Security Administration that runs the NNSS in Nevada.

Since 2009, NDE has been protesting at Creech Air Force Base, 30 miles from the test site. Creech is the center of US drone warfare, and the 20th Attack Squadron at Whiteman Air Force Base, near Knob Noster, MO, is a “geographically separated unit” of the drone command at Creech.

Join NDE’s Sacred Peace Walk – April 1-7, 2023

The Sacred Peace Walk is an interfaith journey of approximately 60 miles along Hwy. 95 from Las Vegas to the NNSS, through the Great Basin Desert in Nevada, on the beautiful traditional lands of the indigenous Western Shoshone and Paiute peoples. We walk in the footsteps of our spiritual ancestors from many faith traditions.

For more information, see and the Sacred Peace Walk info or contact Brian Terrell at (773) 853-1886,

—Brian Terrell is outreach coordinator for the Nevada Desert Experience, opposing both nuclear warfare and killer drones.

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