Momentum in December

By Ron Faust

On a Monday the Fourteenth

Vaccine delivered Covid relief

A shot in the arm to stop the spread

and the Electoral College confirmed

The end of a national nightmare

I have a secret confession

I liked enduring the corona era

I didn’t worry about what I wore

I could find time to write

I feasted on sumptuous dining

I reduced scheduling meetings

I was in shorts during virtual church

I could enjoy the intimacy of home

I could work on some projects

I spent less money on travel

I had time to think and meditate

I had the luxury of leisure

I didn’t have to hear the GOP lies

I could see some evolve to greater truth

I analyzed the Stupor Spreader

I dealt with anger for ruining a nation

But admittedly I felt the pain

Of innocent victims facing death

Missing some of my friends

Others snagged in the cult of fear

Remnants of the nightmare will go on

But so will some signs of democracy

The heartthrobs of a nation are fragile

Gratefully the Fourteenth gave us a pulse.


(On occasion when an historic moment can see the promise of a vaccine and we can revive the energy of competent leadership. Lucky are any of us if we survive.)

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