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Last day to join Peace Walk, 9/17; top it off with finale rally

Charles Carney, by 4 pm Friday, Sept. 17, plans to complete his 253-mile Wichita-to-KC Bob Lavelle Memorial Peace Walk. A rally is in order. Covid-style. No treats. Yes, masks, distancing, stories. Our “finale rally.” Yoo-hoo!

Friday’s walk-with-Charles schedule is below. But first, info about the rally (a party). It will be at 4 pm that day, when Charles makes it to the entry to the KC National Security Campus (NSC), where parts are made for nuclear weapons. The NSC is at 14510 Botts Rd., KC MO, facing Mo. Hwy. 150. Park a mile west from Botts on Prospect Ave., at Mo. Hwy. 150. Park by 3:30 or so to catch a shuttle to the rally.

To walk with Charles for the last 4.4 miles, meet him at 1:30 pm at State Line and 135th St., called Mo. Hwy. 150 on the MO side. Nearby are Dairy Queen & Wendy’s. The Target in the shopping complex at State Line and 136th St. has a huge lot—aim for the northwest corner and park. If you get weary from walking, a support driver will rescue you.

To walk with Charles for the last 2.1 miles, park before you wait for the walkers at Holmes and Mo. Hwy. 150. To park, take Holmes under the highway and go left at the nearby road marked “dead end.” Walk back north of the viaduct to wait for the State Line group.

To walk with Charles for the last mile, meet him at 3:15 on Prospect near Mo. Hwy. 150, about 1 mile west of Botts Road. You’ll walk on a nature trail to the entry to the NSC.

The good news: A support driver will return you to your car after the rally. The bad news: There is none. By Friday at 4, Charles will have completed the Peace Walk. It began ages ago—Aug. 10, that is—at McConnell Air Force Base. Now: Celebrate!

Got walking/parking questions? Call or text Jane Stoever, 913-206-4088. See our event page on Facebook, at PeaceWorks KC —

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