KC Star opinion piece urges KC to drop racist Native imagery

Not In Our Honor supporters protest against the Kansas City NFL team’s name and imagery at Arrowhead Stadium on Jan. 17, 2021. (Not In Our Honor/Facebook)

“Why do thousands of Kansas City adults proudly perform and eloquently defend the exact racist behaviors that many local schools have formally banned?” asks PeaceWorks KC member Kimberly Hunter in Wednesday’s KC Star.

In her excellent opinion piece, “Schools, other pro teams have dropped racist Native imagery. Why can’t the KC Chiefs?” she explores this question and highlights the ongoing protests again the Kansas City Chiefs’ name and racist imagery by the Kansas City Indian Center and Not in Our Name.

With the NFL draft in Kansas City this week, there will be another protest this Saturday April 29th at the KC Indian Center from 10 AM – noon.

As Kimberly writes, “Our children are watching. If Kansas City wants to be ‘proud of the things we’ve done,’ we need to love our neighbors sooner, not later. As Blackhorse said: ‘The anti-Native mascot movement has always been about the betterment of our Native people, not hatred towards … football fans.'”

Kimberly Hunter teaches middle school at the Kansas City Girls Preparatory Academy and lives in the Rosedale neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas, where she co-founded the Eliza B. Conley House of Resilience.

Read the the whole article here. It was originally published April 26, 2023.

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