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Is It a Good Job?

Ron Faust reads his poem to 50 persons gathered for a nuclear-weapon-free world.—Jim Hannah photo
Long before we wandered
  over the face of this earth
  protesting nuclear weapons
  from the old plant to the new
We also wondered how we got here
  When it all seemed innocent enough
  When ordinarily good people
Surreptitiously slipped in the idea
  That we are creating jobs,
  The magical words that
  Mesmerize the human brain
  That every job is a good job
  Even if it is not $15 per hour
Not thinking much about morality
  Or whether we are placed here
  To be constructive or destructive
  Or whether a job helps the earth
  Or hurts the earth like so many jobs
  That use up valuable resources
Because jobs are hard to come by
  Stuck in feeding our family
  And stuck on basic survival
  Little time for higher values
But that is what we need most
  To discern a good job from a bad job
  To recognize that a bad job
    Should not flirt around
    with radioactive release
    and instruments of destruction
so wherein lies our hope
    when life is unfair
  when bad jobs are promoted
    as ordinary good people
    ignore a faith consciousness
  that we are lucky
    to survive a nuclear accident
  that some can switch
    from bad to good jobs
  that we can resist a
    substandard value system
  that we can still be sad
    to commemorate the loss
    of those who go before us
  that we can be here
    to support one another
    and be a community of peace
Good Job!

(On occasion of Memorial Day 2017 when we questioned the rationale of jobs as we did a die-in and commemorated those who died from contaminants at the old nuclear weapons plant) 5/28/17

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Man hanging origame peace cranes.