IREHR concert to celebrate 40 years vs. bigotry

For 40 years, the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights (IREHR) has been mobilizing opposition to organized white supremacist groups and partnering to strengthen human rights and dignity for all people. On Saturday, Dec. 2, an IREHR anniversary celebration and benefit concert will be held, featuring Kansas City’s folk legends Danny Cox, Connie Dover, Bob Walkenhorst, and Rosy’s Bar and Grill. At All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church (4501 Walnut St., KC MO), the evening will begin with a reception and silent auction at 6 pm, followed by the concert at 7pm.

IREHR for decades has documented both nationally and locally the activities and actions of white supremacist groups and their leaders, and then has helped communities respond. With racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic, homophobic, and bigoted incidents of all types escalating in communities across our country, IREHR’s work remains compelling.

IREHR holds that the future must be built on the foundation of a strong, multiracial democracy, free from discrimination and bigotry, and radiating compassion and respect for the humanity of all peoples.

Leonard Zeskind

“We ignore the white nationalist movement at our own peril,” says IREHR founder Leonard Zeskind. “To defend the present from the wrongs of the past, we must prepare, not only by understanding this threat, but by working together to defeat it.”

Tickets are $25 in advance/$35 at the door. For a ticket donation of $50, you’ll receive a signed, hard-back copy of a book by IREHR founder Leonard Zeskind, Blood & Politics: History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream. For more information, contact Carol Smith, 816-585-6147. Reserve your ticket at:

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© 2023, Leonard Zeskind, Carol Smith, Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License

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