PeaceWorks KC Local Art Fair ends  

A glorious peace dove flies to the sky against a rainbow of color, the logo for the PeaceWorks art fair that is now ending.
Logo for the PeaceWorks annual art fair, by David Bayard

In an e-mail Jan. 23, PeaceWorks Kansas City announced the end of its PeaceWorks KC Local Art Fair. The e-mail went to artists whose participation had made the fair possible as PeaceWorks’ fundraiser most years since 1992.

Angels in Snow, artwork by David Bayard

PeaceWorks Treasurer Dave Pack and member Bennette Dibben, both of whom handled communications with the artists over the years, wrote on behalf of the Board of Directors, “PeaceWorks Kansas City regrets that we do not feel we can continue the PeaceWorks Kansas City Local Art Fair (formerly the UNplaza Art Fair). Following COVID impacts in 2020 (event failed virtually), 2021 (no event), and 2022 (much reduced participation) and negative weather events in 2019, 2023, and 2024, and given the significant expenses of the event, the art fair is simply not working as a fundraiser.”

The e-mail continued, “In addition, organizing the art fair requires a great deal of people effort from an aging and small group of people. Time that we spend on the art fair inhibits our efforts to oppose nuclear weapons and excessive military spending and to support work on climate change issues.”

Artwork by Cigdem Unalan, one of many pieces of lovely art sold at the art fairs.

The email added this note of appreciation: “We have grown to love the art fair as a community event bringing together a diverse group of local artists and a diverse collection of art lovers. We have very much wanted to provide support for local artists. As you know, there are many art fair events in the fall in Kansas City. We want you to know that we won’t be having our event in 2025 so you can make other plans.

“We thank you so much for any involvement you have had with the UNplaza Art Fair or the PeaceWorks Kansas City Local Art Fair over its more than 30-year history (it began in September of 1992). Special thanks to artist David Bayard for the beautiful logo you see above and his extraordinary effort to organize the virtual event in 2020.


Sea Turtles, artwork by Courtney Edwards

Among artists who quickly replied to the e-mail was local artist David Bayard, saying, in part: “The fairs for PeaceWorks KC represent an incredible explosion of creativity on the part of all of you that I’m sure you couldn’t have imagined after that first sale. Despite its failure to be as reliable a moneymaker as you would like, and deserve, what you’ve managed to create has been a priceless gift to the community.

“Here are some things the PeaceWorks KC Local Art Fair (and the Unplaza Art Fair) have given the world: the friendship of people who valued their talents; the love of people who wanted them to succeed; the perception of people who could see who they are; the kind souls who treasured their worth, who recognized their right to autonomy; competent, enthusiastic spirits with the skill, wit, and chutzpah to create all over again every year a dazzling display of artistry and music that graces the neighborhood with their vibrant life and vitality. … This whole adventure has been a wonderful part of my life and I’m sure all of yours, and that’s something that can never be lost.”

The PeaceWorks Board is evaluating other fundraising possibilities.

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