By Kristin Scheer
PeaceWorks KC was recently invited to attend the event “Your Global Future” by the International Relations Council (IRC) at Bartle Hall in Kansas City, Mo.
Throngs of students and exhibitors came to the Oct. 17 event, including Ann Suellentrop and myself, both of the PeaceWorks Board. The gathering was designed to get students thinking about their future in global terms. “The room was buzzing with excitement as 800 students, 75 teachers, and 56 of your fellow exhibitors held hundreds of conversations—all with the intention of supporting Kansas City’s future ground-breakers and change-makers. It was truly amazing to see,” IRC emailed after the event.
We talked to many interested students and held spirited conversations as they took turns tossing toy bombs into toilet seats rigged up on ladders. It was a fun game, a way to engage students on issues of war and weapons and the exorbitant resources they eat up, the damage they inflict on our people and planet, and the possibilities of working towards global peace.
We also spoke with some interested teachers looking for opportunities to steer their students toward activism and social justice education.
Many thanks to IRC for the invitation. It was a fabulous opportunity to talk with students and teachers about exploring global opportunities to foster peace.