Check out new PeaceWorks flier and brochure

Our old PeaceWorks Kansas City brochures were no longer perfect. Besides, they were almost gone.

Voila! An opportunity for wordsmiths and pics.

Our brochure team developed a slim flier and a 12-page brochure. The difference? The flier rolls out of our copiers. It’s a small, two-sided intro to us. It gives our vision, our mission, our verbs. We advocate justice and peace. We embrace the cultivation of inner peace, fundamental to peace activism. We act against racism, oppression, violence, militarism.

Our brochure bursts with color photos. It spells out our core values, our concern for the world, our history since 1982. It describes our annual events, our commitment to nonviolence, our care for the Earth. And our brochure ends with a cut-out letting folks say, “Yes! I want to get involved with PeaceWorks!”

Our brochure is perfect for those who want to learn MORE about us.

E-mail our office,, to request fliers and brochures.

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