Carney takes hope from ‘everyday people creating a new narrative’

Twenty persons gathered across the road from the National Security Campus in Kansas City, Mo., protesting the making of parts for nuclear weapons at the NSC. Most of the attendees were part of a CARE-a-van from mid-KC to south KC for the “Human Care, Not Warfare” event on Memorial Day, May 25.

Charles Carney, a social worker on the PeaceWorks Board and a member of the Poor People’s Campaign in Kansas, said at the NSC entry, “We’re living in very dark times” with funds rising for nuclear weapon production while the coronavirus kills people and intensifies joblessness and homelessness.

During this first year that the costs top $1 billion for operating the National Security Campus, Carney warned NSC operator Honeywell about “the groundswell ‘Me Too’ movement of everyday people creating a new narrative.” Carney declared, “It’s easy to overlook this grassroots movement. But farmers ARE steeped in biodiversity, bringing healthy food to our tables. Women and people of color and their allies ARE creating new opportunities and smashing glass ceilings. The prisons ARE closing and the classrooms ARE opening.”

Carney carried on: “Is this a pipe dream? Well, it’s a pipe dream until it isn’t anymore. Who would have thought 5 years ago that we’d have 36 of the 50 countries needed to sign onto the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons? It calls for an end to developing, testing, and stockpiling nuclear weapons. We’re all part of this worldwide yearning for peace!”

Laughing and holding out hope for decreased funds for nuclear weapons, Carney said, “Honeywell, you may have to change your name to Honey-Baked and hold a bake sale to support yourself!” His listeners roared in response.

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