By Tom Mountenay
Thích Nhất Hạnh, one of the world’s most revered spiritual leaders, reveals the art of living in mindfulness. Starting in September, our book club, via zoom, will explore his book The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now. The book offers seven transformative meditations on gratitude for our lives and our interconnectedness with the world.
These seven meditations can free us to live happy, peaceful, and active lives, and face aging and dying with curiosity and joy and without fear. The book will help us live deeply in each moment of life, right where we are.
Many, if not all nonviolent activists, stress the importance of having a spiritual source and practice for engaging in the hard work of nonviolence to bring justice and healing, not only to our world and our communities, but to ourselves.
Beyond all books I have read, this book gave me daily practices and a way for being in daily living to do better at being courageous, compassionate, and generous towards others and myself. Thích Nhất Hạnh refers to us as interbeings—connected to each other and our world in ways to bring healing.
For info on our zoom book club, e-mail me at
—Tom Mountenay, a PeaceWorks KC activist, has been coordinating a peace-and-justice book club for a year.