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Ambassadors for PeaceWorks-KC

Do you believe peace is possible? We do. Together, in PeaceWorks-KC, we know we can make a profound difference in bringing about change in the world.

We are asking our members (present and future) to become Ambassadors for PeaceWorks. As an ambassador, you would bring others into our dynamic organization by sharing with them the many positives of being involved in PeaceWorks. Our vision: “A healthy world of justice and peace without war and its weapons.” Share how PeaceWorks continues to fight against war and its weapons; how our members continue to speak out against social, economic, and racial injustices; and how we promote the healing of the environment.

Feel free to call the PeaceWorks Board chairperson, Henry Stoever, at 913-375-0045, about becoming an Ambassador for PeaceWorks.

PeaceWorks is a not-for-profit organization offering various options for memberships. If you are not already a member, please join us today or e-mail us to request a membership mailing, at

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